Jeanine Wine & Haley Steinhilber
Jeanine Wine with student worker Haley Steinhilber
Jeanine Wine

Weekday mornings,
Tuesday through Friday.
Additional times available by appointment



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Video Spotlight
Homecoming 1940
Manchester vs. Ball State
Winning Football

Digital Collections
Death of a Stalwart
A Profile of Andrew W. Cordier
by Doreen Geary
Andrew Cordier with Doreen Geary
Church of the Brethren China Relief and Plowboys in China Church of the Brethren China Relief and Plowboys in China
Otho Winger Collection: Native American Works Otho Winger
Tribute to Frances Smith Thomas by Coretta Scott King & Yolanda King Frances Smith
Andrew Young Commencement Address Jean Childs & Andrew Young
Seagoing Cowboy Diary Cedar Rapids Victory